When I decided to come "out", I did it by posting to a news group that I
frequented a lot. The people on that group were people I trusted to
take time to think about the posting, rather than taking a knee jerk
reaction, but it was still hard...
Soon after I "outed" myself, I ended up talking to the Webmistress of
subDOMinion and I was asked to
contribute to to site. I wrote this partially as a way of sorting out my
own feelings, and also as a guide to other people new to the scene.
The state of affairs, six months after I came out... a follow up essay
to the outing essay, and also placed on
A further follow up essay describing how I am 1 year on after outing myself
And a further essay on the continuing life as a pervert
One of the earlier scenes Mistress and I participated in, communicated via
email over the internet. This scene is "soft" and was posted to
ssbb in response to a thread
I caused saying that a lot of the scene reports were "hard".
An Englishman in New York Paddles. My first visit to Mistress in New York
involved a trip to Paddles. This was my first ever visit to a BDSM club!
Tori had to leave town for a short while, and ordered me to be creative
about an overnight bondage session.
A scene report on a weekend at the D'Inn Glengarry, bed and breakfast with a bondage theme!
Conquering the fear of Tabasco on my penis!
Two years as a slave
Wartenberg Wheel
Sanity, self control, anger and hatred
When going non-verbal causes a scene to fail
When you fall off the horse, get back on again. Or how we retried a failed
scene and got something to work
A Return to Paddles.