Electronic Bondage Safe for Emlalock - Software
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I finally got around to writing the software for my hacked up safe.
One requirement I had was to let it be usable with sites like Emlalock.
Another requirement was to allow the password to be set by my Lady, remotely.
This second requirement kinda meant it'd be easiest to do as a web site,
with internet connections forwarded via the router.
In case other people also want to use this software, I decided to write it
in Go; now Linux, Windows, Mac and other
users could run it on their machines.
So, here it is. That zip file is 7Mb in
size and contains the source, plus binaries, and the web site.
Note that at least once Windows Defender false alerted on the windows
binary. If you don't trust my compilation then read the source and
compile it yourself.
Source code
The zip file contains a number of files. The source code is
in the safe.go, vend, vendor, build.sh files. You don't
need these to run the program. If you want to recompile it yourself
then set GOPATH and run go build safe.go. The build.sh
script does this for Linux/MacOS.
Running the code
What you do need is one of the executables, for your OS (eg safe.linux.amd64)
and the static/ directory. This directory contains the web site
contents, and a simple JPEG image file, which we'll discuss later.
Running the code may be as simple as running the binary. With no
additional configuration it will run the web server on port 5000 and
try to find the safe on a default serial port (/dev/ttyUSB0 or
Set up
The default values are probably not correct for you. You might see
an error such as:
$ ./safe.linux.amd64
Using configuration file /home/bdsm/.safe.cfg
Serial Port = /dev/ttyUSB0
Listen Port = 5000
HTML static = /tmp/safe/src/safe/static
Lock image loaded
Could not open serial port: open /dev/ttyUSB0: no such file or directory
The first line lets you know what configuration file can be used to
override the defaults.
On Windows it will look for
will look in $HOME. Examples may be:
C:\Documents and Settings\bdsm\.safe.cfg
This file is a JSON format file.
Each line is optional. The smallest file might be
If you have multiple lines then separate them with a ,
ListenPort | Defaults to 5000. What port to run the webserver on |
SerialPort | Defaults to COM1 or /dev/ttyUSB0. Where the safe is |
AuthUser | If set, require this username/password for the website |
AuthPass | See AuthUser |
HTMLDir | If the code can not find the static directory, you can set it here |
If you plan on making this available over the internet (eg a remote keyholder)
then I strongly recommend setting AuthUser and AuthPass.
On Linux, if you have multiple USB serial ports then it may make sense
to use the /dev/serial/by-id/... path to the serial port,
rather then /dev/ttyUSB... values to ensure that the right serial
port is picked up (just in case the order changes on next reboot).
Successful startup
Once you've correctly configured the software, the startup would look
something like:
Using configuration file /home/bdsm/.safe.cfg
Serial Port = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Ser_-if00-port0
Listen Port = 12345
HTML static = /tmp/safe/src/safe/static
Lock image loaded
Successfully connected to Safe
OK Safe is unlocked
The "Successfully connected" means it was able to talk to the safe. The
last line is the current state of the safe.
You can now access the website. In this case, I'm running on port 12345
and so http://localhost:12345 would work.
You can see that web site design isn't my strong point. This could have
been written by somebody back in 1996... and will probably still work in
a browser from that time!
The controls are in the left frame, and the results on the right.
- Status
Reports the status of the safe (eg unlocked, locked, etc)
- Open Safe
If the safe is unlocked then it will open the solenoid
for this period of time. On the right we'll see a countdown. During
this period the door can be physically unlocked and opened.
OK opening safe for 5 seconds
OK opening safe for 4 seconds
OK opening safe for 3 seconds
OK opening safe for 2 seconds
OK opening safe for 1 seconds
OK completed
If the safe is locked then you'll get an error instead
- Test password:
This will let you verify the password you enter is correct. It will not
unlock the safe. This may be of use before a session is started, to verify
the password you entered to lock the safe is correct
- Unlock Once:
If the password is correct then you can press the "Open Safe" button once.
Once the open period is over then the safe is locked again. This is very
close to the original "enter code" function on the safe keypad. It may
be used, for example, by a keyholder to allow temporary access to the key
for cleaning; the wearer can then relock the key in the safe again
- Unlock Permanent:
If the password is correct then it is cleared out of the safe and the
safe is returned to unlocked mode. Unlimited use of "Open Safe" is
possible. This is useful at the end of a session, when the wearer is
told the password.
- Lock:
As expected, if the safe is currently unlocked then a new lock code can
be entered, and the safe locked. Any string up to 100 characters, consisting
of letters (upper and lower case) and numbers is allowed.
- Unlock file with image:
These options work the same way, but with the password embedded in a JPEG
file; see the "Randomize" function for details
- Randomize:
This will generate a random password. It then takes the static/lock_image.jpg file and embeds the password as a comment. It will then
send the image to the browser; you should (all going well) be prompted
to save the result. This file can be uploaded as the combination picture
to Emlalock. It's also the file you can use the "Unlock with image" options.
Note: there is no encryption of the password inside the file; it's just
stored as a comment. You could look inside and file it. So after
uploading to Emlalock, delete the image!
If you wish, a different JPEG file can be used. The code should
strip out unnecessary sections. Make sure you test carefully if you do
this. Yes, your unlock picture could be an anime cat, if you really
wanted it to be!
Keyholder use case
- The safe door should be open and the bolts in the unlock position
- The keyholder would enter a password (twice) and click on the "Lock"
- The keyholder can then test the password with the "Test password" button.
- All looking good, the keyholder can then create an emlalock session with this password
- The wearer would put the key in the safe, close and lock the door
- The wearer would then accept the session.
- Emlalock will provide the combination when the session is over, the wearer and use this to unlock the safe
Self lock use case
- The safe door should be open and the bolts in the unlock position
- The wearer will click the Randomize button, and save the image
- THe wearer can then test this works with the "test image" function
- All looking good the wearer can put the key in the safe and lock the door
- The wearer can then start a session with this file as the combination picutre
- The wearer should DELETE the file from their PC
- At the end of the session Emlalock will present the picture on the screen. This can be saved. Alternatively Emlalock will also email the picture, and
it can be saved from there
- The picture can be used to unlock the safe
It's strongly recommended to do a test session (eg 1 minute) to verify
that this works as you expect. With the door closed and the safe locked
(eg with a picture) then you can't open it again if there is a problem,
without the backup key.
The safe can be powered down and powered up again. The PC software can
be stopped and restarted. It should all automatically recover. If the
serial port is disconnected while the software is running then you may
need to kill and restart the software. But don't worry; the password is
stored safely inside the Arduino and the safe is kept locked :-)