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Immobile |
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This was no ordinary cloth. It was originally developed by the military as armour; when an electric charge is applied to the material the fibres would stiffen into an very hard almost impenetrable barrier. The thin wire distributes the charge. The hope was that a sheet of this stuff could be formed into lightweight flexible clothing allowing soldiers to move easily on a battlefield; clothing that would turn into solid armour when necessary.
In this the material was a success; easily powered from a small battery it met all design requirements. Unfortunately there were other implemetation flaws which meant that it hadn't made it to the troops yet.
The material made it to the medical community. As a cast it surpassed traditional materials; easy to apply, even easier to remove, it worked well to immobilise broken limbs. Unfortunately simply removing the battery allowed patients to remove the cast, which led to improper healing.
Eventually, through a series of tedious events, a bolt of this cloth came into Harry's possession. He experimented and learnt how to control the material; a simple set of aligator clips allowed Harry to connect a DC power adapter to the material and this was enough to cause it to harden.
And that's when Harry had his idea. It took time and experimentation and more than a little bit of pain but eventually Harry felt he knew his limits and was able to take the leap.
Using designs found on the internet Harry created himself a Zentai suit. Inside the hood of the suit he formed a hollow gag with a hole in it for breathing. Connected to the back were two leads which could be plugged into the power supply. The power supply was connected to a timer. Once he was sealed into the suit he could connect it to the power and when the timer turned on the suit would harden around him and he'd be immobile until the timer turned off.
A portable timed full-body cast.
It was now or never. He'd procrastinated enough. Carefully Harry put the suit on. Struggled with the zip up the back, but finally the suit is closed. He sucks on the limp gag piece to ensure it's fully in his mouth and he can breath through the hole. Through trial and error he finds the loose cable and the power supply and connects the two. Tracing the power cable he finds the timer which has been pre-set. A bit more fumbling and he finds the power socket and plugs it in.
Harry now has 2 minutes at this point; the timer will then turn on the power supply and the suit will turn solid.
Since this is the first time, Harry doesn't want to try anything too strenuous. No stress positions, not too long a duration. So he simply lays on the bed with his arms flat besides him. And waits.
Without warning he feels the material shift under him, signifying that it's hardened. Harry is now fully committed. He can't lean forward, or rotate or twist... he's totally immobile. The gag in his mouth allows him to breath, but he can't talk. Not that he has anyone to talk to, living alone, but he likes the restriction. Is it his immagination or does the material bend slightly as he tries biting into it?
A few minutes in and he's savouring his immobility when a thought hits him... did he actually program the timer correctly? He'd been testing other stuff and he just couldn't remember if he'd reset the active time to the 20 minutes he wanted for this first test. Had he even set an off time? How long had he been immobile? Surely it was more than 20 minutes by now!
Harry starts to panic. His struggles merely confirm that he is immobile, and now sweaty. As far as tests go this is everything he'd hoped for and more! Aware of the futility of struggling further he relaxes. There's nothing he can do. Maybe he'll be written up as an auto-erotic death; a cautionary tale to others.
Thoughts go through his head, mostly struggling to remember if he had set the timer properly. Every so often he imagines what his situation must look like. What would it be to be immobile and unable to escape? Then the reality of his situation comes back to him; he _is_ immbolised! His cock struggles to get hard, only to press into the hard unmoving fabric above him.
25 minutes later the timer switches off the power supply.
Sweating but happy, Harry frees himself from his self-made torture device.
Test successful!