
I hurt you!


This one is intensly personal. I said and did some really really stupid things and feared that I'd screwed up our relationship totally.

The fear that I had displeased Tori that day was the worst feeling I had felt in a long long time. I could not concentrate on anything, and when she was not responding to my emails or talk requests, I felt like shit, imagining the worst. Of course, she were just in a staff meeting, but... when she did say she felt a little hurt, it struck me like a physical blow.

Please let's not do that again!

I hurt you!

     I hurt you!
     A misplaced word,
     A bad piece of timing.

     I hurt you!
     I feel like shit,
     Beyond contempt, worthless.

     I hurt you!
     My guts are in pain,
     I writhe on the floor in agony.

     I hurt you!
     Please don't leave me,
     I need you so much!

     I hurt you!
     And in the process
     Discovered the depths of my feelings.

     I hurt you!
     Yet you take the blame
     To yourself and forgive me.

     I hurt you!
     And our bonds grow stronger
     As we work through our mutual pain.

     I hurt you!
     I love you!
     I'm yours.