Yogurt Cheese

Contributed by Bladerunner



I've made about three batches of Yogurt Cheese this month. I take a 32 oz container of lowfat plain yogurt and drain the whey out of it. I put two layers of paper towel (or coffee filters, as I'm too cheap to get cheesecloth just for this) on the bottom of a colander which is sitting in a bowl, pour the yogurt in, and fold the edges of the paper towel up over the yogurt. Then I weight it down. I used to have a brick I used just for this, but it got lost in the move. So now I use a margarine container filled with pea gravel (left over from the garden) and water. Leave the contraption in the fridge for at least three or four days, dumping the bowl every day.

I wish I had a way to press it further, making the cheese more of a solid. As it is, I can get it to about cream cheese consistency.

I'll use it on sandwiches instead of mayo or cream cheese. I love it as a scoop on a plate with some olive oil and salt around it, with crackers. You can flavor it with all kinds of stuff and use it as a spread or dip, too.




This page last updated 08/192003/

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