Chocolate Velvet and variations

Contributed by Shirley

Once more, it's that time of year and I've made hot chocolate again. As opposed to hot cocoa, that is. Jim (my husband) tells me it would be a sin if I didn't share the recipe with the world--or at least a few perverts.

I found the original inspiration recipe for Chocolate Velvet somewhere when I was a teenager (lo these 20 or more years ago). It was so long ago I don't remember where I found it. And it was different, more complicated--but I can't remember how. Something to do with heating it, then letting it cool off, then heating it again. So I don't exactly feel like the recipe is mine but I don't think it's the same as the original, either.

The Grand Marnier and Framboise variations are inspirations I got from recipes for hot cocoa--ie, made with cocoa powder. It's totally different when melded with hot chocolate.

I dare you to try it!