Mexican Rib Sauce ( also great on chicken )

Contributed by Colleen

This recipe was developed over many years of experimentation. The amounts are approximate and are best suited to me and my family, so I encourage experimentation to find the best balance for you.



Combine ketchup and water in medium pot, stirring until blended. Add garlic, chili powder, and coriander seed to pot. Stir for a minute and taste. This will give you an idea of how much more spice to add, but remember that it will get spicier as it simmers. Add tobasco sauce and simmer for about half an hour, tasting every five or ten minutes and deciding how much more spice you want. During this time, slowly add cayenne peppers to taste.

The sauce is done when it loses its ketchuppy flavor and takes on a pleasant, round flavor.




This page last updated 08/192003/

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