Rice and Chicken Stir Fry

Contributed by Bob King (webcarve@munchltd.com)

The Joy of Rice Cooking.

A rice cooker is a wonderful thing for a bachelor to have, particularly an absent-minded bachelor, as it cooks automatically and turns off all by itself. The worst that can possibly happen is stone cold, perfectly cooked rice.

However, plain rice is a little dull.

I ask the Asian members of the audience to avert their eyes from this profanity of the sacred fluffy grain. Us Gaijin like to have it ... embellished.



Put plain rice and two frozen (separated) ground chicken patties in the rice cooker. While this is cooking, prepare other ingredients.

Remove cooked patties from the cooker and cube them. Toss the cubed meat into a very hot, oiled Wok.

After a moment, add the rice and a glug of soy sauce, along with the chicken bouillion. Shred fresh basil and add it in.

Stir it around until each grain of rice is separate and well coated in oil and sauce. Toss in peppers, then radish, then Bok Choi/Lo Bok, then sprouts, in that order. Toss until sprouts are warm and peppers a bit cooked, take it off the heat, it's done!




This page last updated 10/17/1999

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