
Contributed by Asmodeus

You knew I was a professional chef previously in my life, didn't you? I'm not making that up ...

Yes. 80s. Very chic French restaurant. Louisville. And don't laugh at my meatballs--I make some mean, kick-ass meatballs. I don't use a recipe, but here is more or less it. If you don't have your own grinder, get one to fit that Kitchenaid!



Put the first five ingredients (except the cheese)through a fine-blade grinder (alternate). Add the rest, mix. The secret to really great meatballs is the moisture-this isn't meatloaf. You want the mixture moist and sticky, or you'll end up with little lumps of hamburger-y stuff instead of really tender meatballs. So if your mix is too dry, add another egg.

Brown over very high heat in a lot of extra-virgin olive oil, the put the meatballs in your sauce. Pour the oil from the pan into the sauce, rinse the pan with about a half cup of water and add it. Stir the sauce well, then simmer for an hour or so.




This page last updated 08/192003/

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