
Contributed by -^-^spectrum-^^- (spectrum@magenta.com)

Sensitive Guy recipe:

They're cheap (ca. $0.70US/lb, unless you buy them in the "ethnic" section of stores). They're nutritious, and fairly high in protein. You can alter the flavor readily. They were the Roman legions' marching ration, and cooked much as described here. Worcestershire is the closest readily available approximation to the Romans' "garum" fish sauce (though actually Worcestershire is a British approximation to an Indian sauce from the 1800's, and probably sweeter that garum was).


Saute until well-cooked (starting to turn dark brown) to make them sweet:

Rinse well, then add to pot:


Simmer 30 minutes or so, until the lentils are tender. Add more water if needed, but they should not end up soupy.

Season with your choice of one of the spices below:

This goes well with rice, potatoes or cornbread. It lasts several days in the fridge, but does not freeze well.




This page last updated 12/02/1999

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