Potato Latkes

Contributed by Adina (SpyralFox@aol.com)

This recipe usually makes around 20 latkes, and we eat them with home-made applesauce (Yum!)




Wash & peel the potatos & grate them directly into a bowl of ice water to keep them from turning red. Let them soak in the fridge while you finely grate or chop the onion (do it in a sealed chopping jar or under the surface of a bowl of water if you're sensitive).

In a medium bowl, beat the eggs with a wisk, add the onion, salt, flour and pepper. Mix well.

Drain and pat the potatos dry, then add to the egg mixture.

Heat your oil in a frying pan until it's very hot, but not quite smoking. Use a 1/4 cup measure (about 65 ml) to scoop up your latke batter, pour it in just like you would pancake batter. Cook them sort of like pancakes, too, letting them get nice and brown on one side (you should see a color change at the edges) and then flipping them. As you finish them, put them on a platter -- we usually load the platter with bunches of paper towels to absorb oil before serving.




This page last updated 11/26/1999

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