
Contributed by Asmodeus

"Truffles are nothing more than ganache, with or without added ingredients, and often rolled in something, like cocoa. All you need to know to make the very best truffles is how to make ganache..."

"People pay far too little attention to the quality of ingredients these days. First, good heavy cream should be yellow-ish, not white, and thick right out of the carton. Second, if you have to refrigerate it to get it to whip, don't waste your money."

"Chocolate. People seem to finally have accepted the adage about wine: if you wouldn't drink it, don't cook with it, but they haven't done the same with chocolate. Valrhona 70% is great. Expensive? Sure. But why make truffles if you're going to use cheap chocolate?"



Chop the chocolate up, the smaller the better, and place in a large bowl. Heat cream over low heat until it starts to bubble around the edges. Watch it very closely, and as soon as the top begins to move, pour it over the chocolate in the bowl. Let it sit for a few minutes, then stir vigorously to completely melt the chocolate.

Refrigerate the ganache until it's of the consistency you need--ganache isn't just for truffles, you can fill tortes and cakes with it (see below). But for truffles, you'll want it fairly solid, but not hard. I have a small dipper I use, but you can use a spoon. Roll ganache into balls, then roll in cocoa. Place on parchment and refrigerate.

If you use ganache to fill tortes or cakes, you need to whip it. Refrigerate it all night. When you take it out, it will be very hard. Cut up and put it in a heavy duty mixer, and beat it on high until it gets fluffy and light in color.





This page last updated 08/192003/

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