Flank Bondage (German Rouladen)

Contributed by Trishah

" I've made this using different ingredients for each rouladen. Then, instead of giving each person a rouladen of their own, cut them all like jelly rolls and place them on a platter to let folks try slices of the different varieties."



1. Cut the flank steak into thin filets; about 1/4 inch thick and 3 inches wide. (Alternatively for you sadists, pound out the steaks to the desired thinness. The thinner, the better, without tearing the meat.)

2. Generously spread one side of each filet with mustard to taste. Place bacon, onions and pickle slices on each filet and form into a roll.

3. Place the roll into bondage using string or toothpicks to hold it together. (After cooking, the rouladen should keep its shape nicely when removed from bondage.)

4. Heat a skillet over medium heat and melt butter. Place the rolls in the butter and saute on all sides until browned.

5. Pour in 2 1/2 cups of water and add the bouillon cube; stirring to dissolve the bouillon cube. Simmer (braise) the rolls for about an hour.

Note: The pickles can be replaced (or added to) by using other ingredients. I like spinach leaves because of the appearance when the rouladen is cut, plus the flavor goes well with the bacon.




This page last updated 08/192003/

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