Deviled Eggs

Contributed by Nena

I recently had a bit of a run-in with devilled eggs. Here's my recipe.

Peeling eggs sucks. I've had more devilled eggs turn into egg salad than I would care to admit to. We did a web search to find out how to do this successfully, and found all kinds of advice. Poke a tiny hole in each egg before boiling. Crack the eggs halfway through the boiling time, then finish them up. Use salt in the water. Don't use salt in the water. Use vinegar in the water. Don't use vinegar. Keep them on high heat the whole time. Turn the heat down after they come to a boil and simmer them. Peel them when they're hot. Peel them when they're cold. None of that crap worked.

What works is buying the eggs a couple weeks before I want to make devilled eggs. The date on the carton should ideally be the date of the event to which I want to bring the eggs.



Prepare the eggs, slice them, scoop out the yolks and smoosh the yolks.

Add into the smooshed yolks all the ingredients listed down to (and including) the spinach.

Top each egg with a drop or two of hot sauce or cajun seasoning or chili powder. A thin slice of fresh jalapeno would work, too, and would be awfully pretty.




This page last updated 08/192003/

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