
contributed by amy (

My sister-in-law from Thibideaux, Louisiana taught me this one. The kids can help with this but be forewarned that things can get a bit messy. How many you make is entirely up to you, but they go fast!

In our family, we had an assembly line set up with some kids opening the cans and laying out the biscuits, older ones doing the cutting and the younger ones doing to sugaring. The frying was left to the adults and a good time was had by all.

The basic ingredient is a can of Pillsbury plain biscuits. Each biscuit makes 4 beignets which cook up about the diameter of a quarter. Also, I suggest that you cover all work areas with newspaper as the powdered sugar does tend to get all over...floors, table, people.



1. Open the can(s) of biscuits, pull them apart and let them rise for about 5 minutes or so.

2. Cut each biscuit into quarters.

3. Drop into hot fat (at least 325) and deep fry till golden brown all over. (You may have to turn them in the oil) Only cook as many at a time as will fit loosely in the oil. They cook pretty quickly.

4. Remove and drain well on paper towels.

5. Put about 5 of the drained beignets at a time in a paper bag with about a half cup or so of powdered sugar and shake to coat, then remove to a large plate.

6. Eat. They are best while still warm and they just melt in your mouth!




This page last updated 9/16/1999

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