
I love you


One day, Tori came onto channel feeling down and grey and annoyed with herself, and nothing I could do was able to cheer her up. My jokes, quips, stories all just failed to cheer her. I was so frustrated that I almost called her on the telephone, in order that she could hear my voice and hear how much joy there is every time I think of her. Fortunately, cuddling her tightly and telling her just how much she means to me, how much I love her, how she are the most important part of my life...

Words can be so inadequate for the task sometimes!

I love you

     Words alone are insufficient
     To express my heart's desires.
     I struggle to find the right words,
     Inadequate for the task.

     I love you dearly, my Lady;
     My heart and soul are yours.
     You are the center of my world,
     All things revolve around you.

     Dictionaries do not help me
     To find the words I lack.
     Vocabulary aids me not
     In speaking my inner thoughts.

     I love you totally, my dear;
     Your body, voice and mind.
     You bring me such enormous joy,
     A flame that burns in my soul.

     Thesauri contain many words
     Some central to my thoughts.
     But synonyms and antonyms
     All fail to capture the mood.

     I love you utterly, darling;
     You're all I ever need.
     You brighten corners of my soul
     That had never seen the light.

     In place of speech I fall upon
     Other forms of commune.
     A kiss, a hug, a happy sigh
     The language of this discourse.

     I love you; that's all words can say,
     Restricted in their sense.
     But every time I think of you
     My love for you grows even more.